About us

an education consultancy born out of a community

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Years of Expertise

Our story began three years ago when a vision took shape, fueled by the passion to provide students in the UK with the support they truly deserve.

It all started with a community—a tight-knit group of individuals driven by a common purpose: to share their experiences, knowledge, and insights to empower aspiring students. Together, we created a space where dreams could be nurtured and aspirations could take flight. This community became the cornerstone of UniMatters.

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Successful cases
0 k Members
Active community
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Client Satisfaction
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Success Rate


We recognized the challenges faced by students embarking on their educational journey in a foreign land. The abundance of information often led to confusion, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and unsure about their choices. That’s when we decided to bridge the gap and provide a solution. UniMatters was born out of the need for accurate and reliable information. By connecting prospective students with current students in their desired fields, we fostered a sense of belonging and trust, enabling aspiring students to make informed decisions about their education.

As the community grew, so did UniMatters. We expanded our network, collaborating with universities, professionals, and educators who shared our passion for empowering students. Today, UniMatters stands as a guiding light for students seeking quality education in the UK. Our consultancy services are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring personalized guidance every step of the way. From university selection and application assistance to visa support and career guidance, we are committed to providing comprehensive and reliable solutions. Welcome to UniMatters, where your dreams matter, your aspirations matter, and most importantly, you matter. Join our community and let us help you unlock a world of endless possibilities.

Our Team

Choose UniMatters for expert guidance, reliable support, and a community that truly understands your educational journey.


Chief Executive Officer


Chief Operating Officer


Chief Marketing Officer


Global Operations Manager


Enrolments & Onboarding


Head of IT


Digital Media & Marketing


Events & Partnerships


Events Manager


Student Recruitment Manager